Dance whole night
Friday, September 29, 2006

Last nite..dancing until 4 am in the morning...great!! and now me and Von have to wake up at 7 am in the mornin..because got mornin class,i just sleep two hours...and now, very2 tired....
later i wanna sleep whole day, today Jos invite Us to go Mos again..but i think me and Von will not goin...because we are really tired...
last nite, free antry to Mos because of Jos Ticket..thanks Buddy.....sering2 lagi ya...hueheuehue...

Sad bcause sexy back and promiscuous girl were not been played last nite..
Me,Kent,Von,Jos,Axiang,Jes,Aan,Dos and Cong Hao...we all dance like crazy ...haha
lots of fun...funny2.......
Jes,Aan and Dos off after 1.30, me, von,Jos,axiang,kent,and cong hao....still at there..Jos and Axiang were out after three..and Left four of us still dancing like a crazy untill 4....hehe

Yang ini harus pake Bahasa indo..bisa bahaya klo kebaca seseorang...
ya memank sehh semalam penampilan kita yng cewek boleh dibilang okhay..buktinya ada cowo yng tiba2 sodorkan hpnya ke arah gue...gue kira dia mo ngasih gue hpnya ato apa..ehh rupanya malah suruh gue nulis nomor hp gue....SAYANGNYA gue TOLAK, karna harus menjaga muka...SAKITNYA gak seberapa,MALUNYA itu...hahaha
padahal tipe cowo tersebut hampir mirip dgn tipe cowo yng gue rindu sampe sekrng...tapi, ga deh..sorry......satu kesempatan gagal...
yng kedua..gue gak tau pasti klo gue ma cowo ini berjodoh ato apa..karna gue sudah ketemu dia 3 kali...hello?? this is real..

gue sering nampak dia maen Pool, and I likes Him!!tanganya ada tattoo and kata von di perutnya juga..truzz dia ga gemuk2 bnget kyknya dia hampir sama kyk gue..cuman lbh gemuk..mgkn 55 kg ato 60kg....rmbutnya kecoklat2an and agak acak2an and gue bner2 suka liat dia..
semalam waktu ketemu dia, gue rasa ini takdir...
and gue juga yakin kalo dianya juga ada tertarik ma gue, heh bkannya sombong yah!!buktinya sewaktu gue dance, dia liatin gue and mata kami sempat beradu..tapi dia pura2 gto...padahal gue sering ketangkap dia sering ngelirik ke arah gue..hihihi
seneng juga..
waktu itu jarak kami cukup jauh, jadi gue gak bisa liat dia dari dekat..akhirnya gue usulin untuk dance dekat tmpatnya...untung masih ada tmpat kosong,gue hanya berdiri di barisan depannya, and kontan aja dia ngeliatin gue...bukannya GEER tapi MEMANK Kok..
uda itu waktu pas sebelah vonny sedang kosong dia langsung berdiri di samping von..
ya ga mungkin dia berdiri di samping gue kalo di sebelah kanan gue ada Von and sebelah kiri ada Kent..ok great, gue berada di tngah2,truzzz dia juga sempat dance menghadap ke arah gue..mksudnya dia turun sepetak lagi dari tangga panjang yng dibuat di main arena..hanya 3 tangga terpasang disana..jika kalian ke Main arena, kalian akan menemukan pancuran air yng ada tangganya,and kini arah badannya menghadap ke belakang..jadi bisa langsung nampak gue..gue juga mensukurinya, karna dgn begitu gue bisa secara langsung meliat wajahnya,Dia benar2 KEREN!!

Satu hal yng disesalkan kita tidak sempat berkenalan, karna mungkin dia tau gue sudah punya Boy..karna si Kent asik dekat2 gue aja..benar2 bikin RESE..sorry, gue emank SADIS! so what??
karna mungkin waktu si cowo yng meyodorkan hpnya ke gue..gue tolak, jadinya mgkn dia ga berani kenalan lagi ma gue..mungkin dia pikir klo ntar gue tolak kan Malu..
sedihh gue..
padahall gue berharap bnyk...meski susah, tapi setidaknya dia tahu Nomor HP ku kan??

The Pictures:

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Before Entering Mos......

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The part Of Us...

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the Stupid Pic Of Us......

sekarang dng mata yng hampir tertutup gue ma von sedang berada di ruangan kelas yng dingin.......and Gue cabut dulu yehh......

BadAss GirL
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey Yo!! I'm comin to Town man!! rockin On the street and dancing like a Ho!!
You know what i mean isit? tonite goin to Clubbin again...with Pon, Jos And Jes...and also my Dear...hehehe...But still have a lot of frends also come down..
one is my childhood frend Hervi..also come down tonite...cya there buddy...
i can't pretend that i'm so happy liao for that..huaa...
wanna play around Ass till Mornin....yea!! Did Not care tomorrow got school or not..Persetan!!

Oke2 sekian untuk kesenangan dan kepuasan batin diatas...haha
now back to my world...

Last time go lunch with My Dear at Pepper Lunch, very nice.......

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Cutlet Steak with Burger...nyammy!! my favourite style..

the..we went to Far East Plaza and made a new Cap...hehe..yea it kinda fun one..
nevermind although i'd lost 30$ For that stupid things...
here for the Picture..

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Cool Isn't it?? yea!! it have my name out there...

here it comes my first Look with my Dear..
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Sssttt.......don tell your Mom, tell your Tv!!

Oh yea i forget to tell you guys...that now i'm not single anymore....
i've mad a stupid Decision by Get into a Relationship....haiahhhh.........
but nevermind, this far i'm happy and He quiet nice with, I try to get used to it....Pray for me Friends!!

Okhay, Let's take a picture before we hang out...that's what i said to Vonny...
because seems like, i've not yet take a picture with her since she came back here..
so Here we go.......
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Don worry man...she still looks cute lahh........
at the night Von have to go with Her I accompanied by my Dear...
we had Pizza Hut for dinner....
wowww!!!!!! long time i did'nt eat that....hey! it was so goddamn NICE!!!!!!

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okhay, malamnya sambil nunggu Von datang ke Cine, karna kita mo nonton Miami Vice...
that was a Sux Movie...I donno what they are talkin just Shitt!!
the best part of the movie was The Head Shot..yea!! that Cool!!

sambil menuggu Kent ajak main Pool......
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malamnya dia gak ikutan nonton..karna dianya sudah mo jatuh sakit, jadi dia butuh istirahat..
so, gue ma vonn aja yng nonton...hahahah SERU!!!
ampe jam 2 filmnya........

the next day....
yaitu tepatnya semalam....
dari pagi sampe malam jalan2 truz...capeknya gak kepayang deh....maklum sekaligus rayainn Holidaynya Jos...hehehe
buat Refreshing gto loh.....
paginya gue ma von Dtng ke Rumah Jos yng rupanya blom bngun..hahahaha...dasar!!
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jadinya gue ma von ikut2an tdor....
Woii!! sorry we not Makin Out here.........huehueheueheue

oke...last but not least...
kita menjamahi toko topshop, lalu kita mulai tes baju...haha
qUIET fUN.....
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sorry Foto yng lain blom ditaruhh, ntar deh besokk......atau kapan2...

So Tonite see yah At MOS Pal!!!!!!! pYe2.........

sendy come........
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Last nite...sendy arrived and Kent and His frend go fetch Newton Circus...ofcos using Kent's Car...
first actually i'm get mad with Kent, because he suddenly like want to cancel our meeting that nite...and i was like alone at Cine...waitin for him to come..

when he knows i'm get mad with him..he directly came..although he was late one hour,
because waitin for his dad back home....he came ridin his car..then came to fetch me up...
If that nite he cancel lah....i'm goin to kill Him liao..
huh!!!!!!!!! but luckily he did not did that.....hehehe

after fetchin Sendy..we back to Cineleisure play Pool......
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sendy said " yeah..i'm now at Pool place..." hehehe

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Foto yukk!!

after that go supper at Jalan kayu until 4 am....Kent treat Us,FINALLY!!!!what a surprisee??
we ate Prata..veryy Nicee worrrr...... Loves that!!

Koleksi gue di rumahh..yng gue sayangii....
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Yepp NBC Wallet.....

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Boneka2 yng Imut bnget...hahaha

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Great....this card was a Escape card...uSed when last time my Lil' sis came...

well..the picture was not Really Me!!! It was very Spoilt Girll out there....

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that's not me...........

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yea..this is me...So what??

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woii!! gue tidurr kok difoto???

Tapii kerenn juga kann gaya guee.....hahaha.........

last nite...sendy sleptat my home wor....
this mornin i cook for her a breakfast...
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looks nice mahh?? hehehe

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the eggs..........

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sendy ga da kerjaan... blom apa2 uda difoto..hahahah

Today PonPon came back already...yihuuuuu!!! miss Her so much!!
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uang yng dititip Mom gue....Horeee!!!

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sebelum berangkat jalan2..lagi2 difoto sendy...

BBQ BEEF SET for Lunch?? why not??
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BimBimBab Sendy......
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setelahh ituuu kita pigi jalan2 seputar orchard....sampe kaki mau putuss..
akhirnyaaa kita2 duduk di far east sambill ngemil Shilin..Sausages Crepe egg...
maksudnya Sendy aja yng makann...
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sendy hari ini uda mau balik jam 12 mlamm..masihh ada next trip ke ginting...
so jam 8 tadii dia pisahh ma kita2 lohh.....
hehehehe...gotta miss ya again..cya in Medan bung!!!
unfortunately Jos can't make it for She was absent....Busy with Her assignment........wishh Her Goodluck worr...
todayy Kent go malaysia..but tomorrow got go out with Him...hemm....

He ask me........
Friday, September 22, 2006

Hey yo!!!

semalam gue habiss baca novel lajang kota..........wihhhh ceritanya TOpcer!!
boleh diberi sambutann meriahhhh!!! kerennnnnnnnn bokk!!!!!!
Judul novelnya "Cewek MaTRE" bayngkan gmna cewek yng bernama Lola itu hidup di Jakarta yng serba "wah" dngn orang2 berBusana branded berkeliaran di jalanan...sedangkan gajinya yng hnya 4 juta sebulan itu,tdak mencukupi biaya hidupnya untuk membeli branded things..hello??
Dia tak sampai hati ketika diajak tmnnya untuk menggaet pria2 kaya..karna menurut semua tmn2nya Lola itu cantik, bahkan banget.and Sexy....sayangnya dia ga sadar..kenapa Dia gak coba untuk menggaet pria kaya? akhirnya dia membuka diri..karna ternyta Lola sendiri tidak bisa menahan nafsu Pengenn menjadi Cewek Matre dan bisa berbusana Mewah..Dia IRI.Iri dengan apa yng diliatnya..Iri dengan cewek2 yng selalu pamer tubuh..dalam arti "Branded Body"..Dia juga pengen seperti itu..mengenakan busana yng wah dan mahal itu.

Rupanya usahanya untuk mencari pria kaya itu tdak sulit..karna pria2 yng diporotinya
gak kalah tertariknya sama dia...The Guys Loves Her...But she did'nt! She Loves their Money.Yang akhirnya membawanya harus terjun ke dalam dunia yng sadis..
bahkan dia tidak sadar kalo TUBUHNYA telah diganti dngan UANG.

Bagaimana???? tertarikk sama cerita ini??? makanyaa buruannn beli di Gramedia terdekat bagi Anda yng belum membacanya......
nihh...gue kasih sample bukunya biar gak salah beli...

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Nah...tunggu apalagi???

Oke......Back to my Story Life...
semalam Kent datang lagi......
He will always come if I didn't ask Him not to come..(sigh)..
seperti biasa, semalam kita dinner bareng..yah lumayan dia ada membayar Minum gue..hehe, meski gak bisa bandingi sama Si "Money Maker" itu... gue tau posisinya..
dia sendiri gak kerja...masa mau biayai orang lain?? betul tak?
oke2....habiss dinner,kita jalan2 ke stadium nonton pertandingan bola..Lucu..haha
kita menghabiskan 1 jam disana dengan berbagi cerita....sesudah itu..cerita dilanjut sampe ke halaman rumah gue..ya, gue cerita bnyakk kepadanya..dia juga sebaliknya.
gue tak tau, napa gue cerita masa lalu konyol gue ke dia, tapi Suer!! dia mendengarnya dngn sungguh2..gue bahkan membahas cowok Singapore yng gue kenal...
yang paling baek adalah..He's not a Singaporean!!
ketika gue menyuruhnya untuk segera pulang karna gue juga sudah mau istirahat..tepatnya jam 10 malam....dianya malah bilang masihh terlalu pagii...
hahaha...dasarr cowok. truz, dia nanya gue..boleh gak taruh foto gue di wallpaper hpnya? ehem...memank konyol....tapi dia "SOPAN".

gue hanya jawab "TERSERAH". sorry..buknnya gak mau bilang Yes ato No..kalo gue bilang yes kesannya terlalu kegeeran, kalau gue bilang No..kesannya terlalu Sadis. jadi mau tak mau jawaban yng paling ampuh, ya Terserah.

sesudah itu, gue gak tau dia taruh aato gak..karna gue sendiri tidak memastiknnya..
mungkin hari ini gue coba liat deh...

dia mengantar gue sampe gue hilang dari pandangannya...lalu akhirnya dia pun pulang..
yea...kesannya dia sangat Care...tapi gue gak tau perasaan gue..Oh God!! Help me!!
katanya dia pengen ketemu gue hari ini..gue bilang oke. truzz semalam seh dia ada bilang, dia dtng hanya untuk meliat gue....walauu er....Ane romance meh??
oke2...dia memank tidak sama dengan cowok2 yng gue kenal disini...gue akui!
sesampe di kamar..dia sms....
Tau gak dia nulis apa??

Dia tulis.."sebenarnya dia mau gue jadi pacarnya"..OMG!! tapi kemudian dia tulis lagi..
"but i don think you want"..
gimana gue balasnya??
mampussss kali ini!! lalu gue tidak langsung menjawabnya tentu saja..gue kan berhak ambil keputusan dulu...lalu gue blas seraya menyuruhnya tunggu jawaban gue.karna gue gak bisa kasih jawabnnya sekarang...ya untunggnya dia ngerti..
Lega deh gue..

Yippi Welcome Sendy!! you come here already!!
tomorrow got go out together worr.........hehehe Wait for PonPon also.....miss her sosososososossososososo muchhhhhh lerrrrrrrr.................
Cya tomorrow my buddy!!

Mess Out.......
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yea yea!!
i'm comin to downtown....haih..just missing my buddy PonPon...
but neva mind she'll be back this Saturday..yeahh!!
and At night hope that we can go watch movie.....okey?? Miami Vice showed already ler....I know Jos oso want to watch thiss movie...because she was the big fans of Gong Li....
YEA..She's bringin sexy back....
but still not sure, if it is this saturday or at tuesday...we watch...but ASAP!!

Last Nite, Kent came again....we went dinner togedha...and walk around....
i just no idea where should we go?? then.....Pandangan gue tertuju pada Lampu Stadium yng terang benderang...maklumm saat itu barusan jam 8 malam....and ternyata ada match, let's see what i got.....

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The football match not knowing who was the winner...
not even the Team's name....

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the stadium Looks big ho?? yea. it got one football court mix with the estafet court..Not Bad!!

And also got.......
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Indoor Swimming Pool....the first time i've been here...lOoks Nice...

Now i wanna talk about.....
The Boys i have met in Here.......
yea...they got a lot of different type and kindness.........
Check this Out....
*The first.....(JERK)He was, BitcH!!!AssHole!!PerSetan!!Brengsekk!!Flirt!!!
Haihh..lega rasanyaa klo sudah keluarinn emosi......Nilai yng gue kasih buat dia..
0,1% sorry ye....bukknya sadis..But It's better than Nothin rite??
*The second....(Sweet Heart)He was....very talented, very friendly, so cute..
taller than me, but younger than me..He's Smoke but He's not a Bad Guy..Suerr!!
But UNfortunately, He married already...well i mean, that what he wrote in his
Friendster...But I miss the time He call me Pretty and miss His Smile Desperately..
For this one: My buddy Jos, Pon and Jes Know who he is very Clearly...Ohh come on!!
*The Third.....(Childish)He was...Very funny, like to laugh and friendly...but not
SO friendly..You got what i mean rite??Last but not Least..He's Weird!!
masa bawa OM OM yng jual ikan pulak....ktnya seh temennya..isshhhhh....Najiss amett
dehh!! pake sepatu Bot segala ke Mall...apa gak salah?? mank di MALL ada Tambak??
ihhh...parahh!! Parahh!!
*The fouth......(Money Maker)He was...Friendly,Kind,got a Boutique, Never let Girls
pay somethin..yea, he can buy everythin for the Girl he like..But one, he was
emotional, Childish a lil bit, Selfish!! Because he did not gave me a chance to
think about our relationship....he just Fuck up!! when i told him, we had better
been Friend Only......and He mad with me.....But I'm sorry..he's not my Type..
But now, we still friend.......
*The Fifth.....(Guardian) He was, careness......Kindness...Friendly...always
smile..never mad with me when i mad with him..always came saw me when he had a free
time..always sms me askin me what i'm doin rite now...always want to meet me..
Always try to become a Boy that i lIke...Patient...and Naughty...But i didn't feel
sumthin in my heart...(Sigh)Maybe he's not my type...but i'm so appreciate his
kindness.....and he care bout me...yea, but not 100%..maybe 70% he care...Thanks..
That's Enough.....better than nOt at all....But he got sumthin Minus attitude..
PELIT!!! hahaha, ga pernah byarinn gue klo makan....dasarr!!! tapi sudahlah....
Gue ngertii dia kan blom kerja......tapi itu lbih baekk deh, gue ga mo bergantung
pada Budi seseorang...and Money can't buy Love!!! CATAT Itu!!!
*The six...????(Shadow)
I sam him last time at Cineleisure...hE was totally Cool and Cakepppp...
I look at him very long..and he also did the same thing..he was Goddamn HOTT!!!!!
But...(sigh) we just passed up like that......wish one day we can meet again...
and that day, i should give him my best smile to him....

4 days 3 night Holiday at Trellis Tower
Monday, September 18, 2006

hehehe... eloe orang pasti herann apa yng dimaksud diatas kan??
jgn bingunggg.....
gini nihh ceritanya......
kamiss malam sebenarnya awalnya mo ke MOS..tapi batal, karna ada sedikit masalah...
gue seh awalnya mo isi lagu di rumah Jos...ya begitulah..lalu gue ke rumah Jos..waktu uda di dalam bus....parahnya gue ketinggalan Usb cok gue...Shitt!! terpaksa gue harus berhenti and turun dari bus...truzz lari balik ke rumah was GODDAMN greattt........sampe kaki gue mo putus gara2 gue lari2.....untungnya jarak yng gue tmpuh ga terlalu jauh..kira2 mkan waktu 15 mnit...setelah ambil gue balik lagi ke bus...lalu Rushed ke tempat Jos secepat mgkn..
tapi sampe disana rupnya uda jam 11..
lalu gue bermaksud untuk inep aja deh....akhirnya gue inep...

paginya gue ma Jos bareng ke skolah..ya memank seh kita ga satu skolah..tapi kan boleh aja klo berangkat sama2..hehe

siangnya gue ke Bugis....Jos temani gue ke SimLim...
sebellumnya gue ga bawa dompet....untung Florence ada minjemi gue 10$
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dan tentu saja uang tersebut gue foto....buat lestarikan....thankss flo....hhoho..

dengan uang itu akhirnya gue mkn enak bareng Jos...
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Fried Rice with Chicken Chop.....klo nasinya pake bisa bilng lagi lezatnya..
nih pesanan gue....just 4.00$ loh....

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nih pesanan Jos..sama seh sebenarnya...cuman nasinya and rasanya aja yng ga sama...ntahh apa namnya itu....yng pnting enakk loh........

lokasinya di sunshine Plaza dekat NAFA......

habis itu gue pulang rumah dulu ambil barang2 gue..baruu malamnya gue mo pg nonton bareng Melvin...dedenya Jos....

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malamnya kita nonton John Tucker Must Die..jam 11.40 Pm...yea its near midnite....but who cares??

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Yeahh...He's Goddamn Hottttttt!!!!!!!!!!

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Ashanti Also Take part of makin this movie...she was just Great!!

the movie was totally crazy and fun......can watch it to make your stressness away........

malamnya inep di rumah Jos lagi...

truzz sabtunya pagi nonton MTV video music award..yepp, thats the reason i stayed at Jos's House...karna di rumah ga da siaran gue haruss inep di rumah Jos buat nonton acara ini....and hasilnya..........Great Showw!!!!!!!!!!!
Fergie was very Hot!!
Justin bringin sexy Back!!
Ludacris and Pharrel totally Rock the show!!
Beyonce was Very Psycho Hot!!!!
and many more.......

truzz sorenya gue da balik rumah loh...and malamnya uda tidurr jam 9 lebih..tapi tiba2 jam 11 gto..hp gue berbunyi...
dari Jos..pesannya gini " Hallo mag...Mau Ke MOS??"
kontan aja gue terkejut....and jawaban gue.........YES!!
akhirnya kita sampe sana jam 1.00 tngah malam..and rameee bnget...bnyk teman2 berdatngan..
tentu saja Jes juga hadirr.....awalnya dia ga mau..tapi..akhirnya..He's Comin to Rock with Us!! yeah....haha
sayangg kali ini gue ga ambil foto....Lupa!!

malamnya gue terpaksa inep rumah Jos lagi...hhahaha totalnya jadi 3 malam gue tinggal di rumah Jos.....hebat.......gue ga bisa bayangkan kalo mOm gue tau....
minggu paginya gue pulang..and menghabiskan waktu dgn membaca novel...
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I love the stories............very nice one...........

habis itu malamnya.......
Dia datang lagi!!
masa ga tau??
ya "Dia".
Si Kent.

dasarr naughty Boy....gue suruh jgn datng lagi karna gue uda mau tidur...waktu jam 9.30 dia telpon gue tapi gue sengaja ga mo angkat..kesannya gue uda tidor gto loh...ehh, tapi rupnya dia udah di bawah rumah gue.....gue total HAH?? WTF??

ya terpaksa lahh dgn berat hati gue turun temui dia bntar...kasiann juga seh, masa uda dtng disuruh pulang lagi....
kita ngobrol2 sebentar.....kira2 setengah jam gto lah...lalu dia pulang ....
sebenarnya gue sempet "WAHH" juga sama dia, soalnya dia ga sama kyk cowo2 laen yng pernah kenalan ma gue...dia itu.....ahh ga tau dehh gmn bilang, pokoknya dia baekk de.....

baru yng gue terkejut adalah messagenya yng dikirim stelah dia pulang..5 mnit setelahnya..
akhirnya kata2 itu keluar juga...." MISS YOU"...OMG!!!!!!!! uda lama ga denger kata tersebut..ya nggakk sampe gto2 lama lah....hehe
padahal awalnya dia ga pernah tulis pesan itu..paling2 cuamn 'Goodnite and Sweetdream" doang...tapi semalamm ntah ada setan mana yng merasukinya.....gue hnya bisa tersenyum...
just dat!! haha..
selanjutnya gimana?nantikan ceritanya......

nih cuplikan Mtv Vma 2006:

Fergie "London Bridge"

Ludacris feat Pharrel and Pussycat Dolls "Money Maker"

Beyonce Knowles "Ring The Alarm"

Shakira feat Wyclef " Hips Don't Lie"

T.I The King

Panic! At The Disco! "I write Sins,Not Tragedies"

Christina Aguilera

Justin Timberlake " My Love and Sexy Back"
He was Very Sexy.....................

My Chemical Romance

MP4 Player
Thursday, September 14, 2006

yea!!!! i got it!! i bought it yesterday!! hahaha....

its very cute onee ler....loves it....
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here we go.....

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it's so cuteee ba.....haha

semalam gue ditemani sama..ehemmm Kent ke Simlim loh....padahall dia telat 1 jam lohh..uda mo gue tonjokk..tapi lantarann dia lucu...ya ga jadi.......
baekkkk bngett yah dia....uda temani gue pg bli mp4..uda itu malam sebelumnya ngotot bngett seh...uda gue suruhh ga usahh dtng lagi..ehh malah dianya muncul pulakk..memankk dasar cowok!!

i got some pic from himm....check this out..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting tau deh....gue ga da comment!! please comment di tags klo anda mo comment...thankss

semalam waktu dia anterin gue pulang sehh, gue ga langsung naek....ya kasiann donk..masa dia uda baejnya anterinn pulangg gue tinggalin gto aja...
gue masihh punya hati tau!!
neva mind.....emm, kita ngobrol2 di bawah lohh sambil motret2...
ada binatang aneh...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

pas lagi asiknya ngobroll...ehh malahh seseorng pulang, lalu jrenggg!! ketahuann dehh!!!
eit!! jgn salah sangka...we still "FREND" blom ada statuss apa2 ok??

okey......novel terbaru yng habiss gue baca....bguss bnget, rupanya pengarangnya Novel Dealova..pantess sajaaa bgusss.........nihh gue kasihh loe2 pada cepetan pg bli!!
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klo ga mau ya udahh!!!!!!!

skiann lama di singapore...rupnya uda setengah taon..gilekk...gue blom pernah sekalipun foto kediaman gue...jadi suatu harii gue iseng2 foto loh...hehehe

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
nihh depannya........

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
nih halamann bwahnya.......

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
nih tangga menuju rumahh gue..seremm yah?? hahahaha

sorry ga foto depan rumahnya..soalnya pas lagii mo foto..ehh malah muncull si item di seberang..
malah gue dipelototinn lagi.....
ya gue cepat2 masukk rumah, ntar dia kira gue paparazi lagi...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
OMG!!!!!!!! Suriiiiii very cuteeee de............Love bangettttttttt....cinta mati gue pada anaknya katie...ihhhhhhhh anak tercute diseluruhhhhhhh duniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...............
huaaaa...............God suatu harii kasihh gue anak yng muknya kyk gto juga donkk!!pleasee.........

pictures: taken from
yea..itu blog tman gue......


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